I have updated a very small portion of the iterator docs and now I need to regenerate the documentation. Evidently despite iterator having quickbook documentation the actual documentation presented to end-users is created from RST files, python scripts, and make files. But I do not see the process of regenerating the docs explained anywhere so I am wondering if anyone knows how to do it. I tried 'python generate.py' on Windows but this led to the error:
make counting_iterator.html facade-and-adaptor.html filter_iterator.html functio n_input_iterator.html function_output_iterator.html index.html indirect_iterator .html pointee.html iterator_adaptor.html iterator_facade.html new-iter-concepts. html permutation_iterator.html reverse_iterator.html transform_iterator.html zip _iterator.html iterator_archetypes.html iterator_concepts.html iterator_traits.h tml counting_iterator.pdf facade-and-adaptor.pdf filter_iterator.pdf function_in put_iterator.pdf function_output_iterator.pdf index.pdf indirect_iterator.pdf po intee.pdf iterator_adaptor.pdf iterator_facade.pdf new-iter-concepts.pdf permuta tion_iterator.pdf reverse_iterator.pdf transform_iterator.pdf zip_iterator.pdf i terator_archetypes.pdf iterator_concepts.pdf iterator_traits.pdf executing: 'make counting_iterator.html facade-and-adaptor.html filter_iterator .html function_input_iterator.html function_output_iterator.html index.html indi rect_iterator.html pointee.html iterator_adaptor.html iterator_facade.html new-i ter-concepts.html permutation_iterator.html reverse_iterator.html transform_iter ator.html zip_iterator.html iterator_archetypes.html iterator_concepts.html iter ator_traits.html counting_iterator.pdf facade-and-adaptor.pdf filter_iterator.pd f function_input_iterator.pdf function_output_iterator.pdf index.pdf indirect_it erator.pdf pointee.pdf iterator_adaptor.pdf iterator_facade.pdf new-iter-concept s.pdf permutation_iterator.pdf reverse_iterator.pdf transform_iterator.pdf zip_i terator.pdf iterator_archetypes.pdf iterator_concepts.pdf iterator_traits.pdf' make: Nothing to be done for `counting_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `facade-and-adaptor.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `filter_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `function_input_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `function_output_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `index.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `indirect_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `pointee.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `iterator_adaptor.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `iterator_facade.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `new-iter-concepts.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `permutation_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `reverse_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `transform_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `zip_iterator.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `iterator_archetypes.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `iterator_concepts.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `iterator_traits.html'. make: Nothing to be done for `counting_iterator.pdf'. make: Nothing to be done for `facade-and-adaptor.pdf'. make: Nothing to be done for `filter_iterator.pdf'. make: *** No rule to make target `function_input_iterator.pdf'. Stop. Traceback (most recent call last): File "generate.py", line 30, in <module> syscmd('make %s' % ' '.join(all)) File "C:\Programming\VersionControl\modular-boost\libs\iterator\doc\syscmd.py" , line 14, in syscmd repr(s), err) SystemError: command: 'make counting_iterator.html facade-and-adaptor.html filte r_iterator.html function_input_iterator.html function_output_iterator.html index .html indirect_iterator.html pointee.html iterator_adaptor.html iterator_facade. html new-iter-concepts.html permutation_iterator.html reverse_iterator.html tran sform_iterator.html zip_iterator.html iterator_archetypes.html iterator_concepts .html iterator_traits.html counting_iterator.pdf facade-and-adaptor.pdf filter_i terator.pdf function_input_iterator.pdf function_output_iterator.pdf index.pdf i ndirect_iterator.pdf pointee.pdf iterator_adaptor.pdf iterator_facade.pdf new-it er-concepts.pdf permutation_iterator.pdf reverse_iterator.pdf transform_iterator .pdf zip_iterator.pdf iterator_archetypes.pdf iterator_concepts.pdf iterator_tra its.pdf' returned 2
Is this process only successful under Linux ? I have a 'make' as the GnuWin32 package installed on Windows. But something is missing in this process.