On 6/28/2013 9:33 AM, Klaim - Joël Lamotte wrote:
I would be interested in such a stream type. However, only if there is an optional way to force the endianess (via implicit conversion)
There are two endianesses (?) at play here--in the bit stream and on the platform. To which are you referring? If the latter, there isn't anything to worry about because ibitstream makes no assumptions about the endianess of the platform, but it does assume network order, or big endian, in the bit stream. If you are concerned about the bit-stream endianess, we'd need to work out the specifics, because I don't think the semantics would be obvious for other endians. For example, can the bit endianess be specified separate from the byte endianess? (Hmm... that's reminds me--it currently supports STL bitsets but I don't think it supports C bitfields. I'll have to look into that.) Also, what bit-stream endianesses should bitstream support--big, little, mixed, middle?
or any other feature allowing easy serialization on multiple platforms.
Like I said, it should already behave the same on all platforms, but maybe I'm missing something. What is your specific concern? Paul