On 3. Jan 2018, at 18:04, Stefan Seefeld via Boost
wrote: If we always seek to remodel everything at once we make life unnecessarily hard for ourselves. It's much easier and more pragmatic to look for incremental improvements. And it brings me back to my favourite topic: modularity. github already allows per-project pages, and some of the github projects use them (e.g. http://boostorg.github.io/python/ http://boostorg.github.io/python/). So let's assume for a moment that all Boost projects use github pages to publish their documentation. The remainder of `www.boost.org http://www.boost.org/` could then be migrated to github pages, too, mostly consisting of references to the project-specific pages.
I think such a scenario meets most of your items above: it's modular ("composed of orthogonal parts"), more easily maintained (each by their project's maintainers). (I'd leave out the discussion about tools etc., as I think that's entirely up to the projects.)
I think that's a great proposal. I also hope that Andrzej gets access to do what he suggested. I stumbled over the same thing. Just my 2 cents, Hans