I've started to post screen shots of TortoiseGit performing the various operations described in "Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Maintenance". See https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/TortoiseGitLibMaint Since each screen shot takes a bit of time and effort, I'd like to hear the opinions from some from TortoiseGit users as to whether or not the screen shots seem worthwhile. I particularly wanted to get a screen shot of a submodule update, but hit a bug in TG's "Submodule update...". It was reported yesterday, and the TG folks have already identified the problem as a bug in a library named libgit2, and reported that to the libgit2 folks, citing the boost super-project as the test case. The libgit2 folks have already created a pull request with a patch, so let's hope the fix reaches us reasonably soon. --Beman