On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 5:50 PM Vinnie Falco via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
* preparing "Powered By Boost" - a server that runs on Boost technology - deployed publicly - pages demonstrating Beast, MySQL, Redis - using Describe, Mustache (even though it is not in Boost yet) - open source - example code for doing things people want to do
Sounds great Vinnie. And I thank you for it. But... I also found the [Contemporary C++ in Action - Daniela Engert - CppCon 2022][1] vision compelling. And it sure wasn't created based on C++11 facilities. The combination of modules, concepts, coroutines, asio, etc... was impressive. I certainly can't use C++23 at work right now, I'm limited to C++17 for now, which is already newer than many. Asio w/o coroutines is just painful IMHO, for example. Compile times are painful, and modules seem to genuinely help, when used correctly. So there's lots of value in using the new moderner modern C++ facilities too, beyond C++11. I'm just a bystander. I don't know how Boost should function. Just saying. --DD [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUIFdL3D0Vk