On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 10:25 AM Lee Clagett via Boost
Everyone wanted audits by professionals. Less primitives means easier audits. That library provides everything useful: symmetric encryption, public-key encryption, digital signatures, and even an API for a key exchange protocol.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ ....okay, I see your point. The name is a tiny bit misleading though because it alludes to doing more than it actually does.
Boost providing the kitchen sink of cryptography is only the correct approach if the goal is to provide mass interoperability with other systems.
For Boost, as I alluded to earlier, I would target experts and put something together those experts can use to quickly prototype ideas (interchangeable components which satisfy named requirements). If people need specific algorithms they can already get them, they just might have to suffer a tiny bit with C APIs and do without the accoutrements of modern C++. If Boost offered the library I describe, those people who are using specific algorithms could use the Boost-wrapped versions of those algorithms and gain access to modern C++ features. Thanks