On January 29, 2016 1:53:54 PM EST, Noah
On 1/28/2016 5:07 PM, Nat Goodspeed wrote:
Basically we need a certain function to be called when the target object is destructed and we don't really care how it's done. We can add a destructor by deriving a new class from the target class, or we can add a destructor by having the target class be derived from a specific class, or frankly, the appropriate code can be manually inserted into the existing destructor of the target class. Either way will work. Using the target class as a base class is just the "cleanest", least "intrusive" of the options.
Have a look at boost::intrusive_ptr.
I'm kind of taking a stand on this particular issue, and I invite boost, and the wider C++ community to join me. int, unsigned int, and the other primitives are a legacy inherited from C. A bad (and unnecessarily dangerous) legacy that needs to be tossed, in my opinion.
The substitutes I provide are such a thin wrapper that I assume any respectable compiler should generate the exact same machine code (in release mode) when used as a direct substitute for their native counterparts. But my substitutes are safer in that they have default initialization.
Many times I don't want to initialize a variable because the branches in the subsequent code select the value. Do your wrappers provide a constructor that permits leaving the value uninitialized?
And they also address the bug prone implicit conversion between signed and unsigned ints.
Once you do that, shouldn't you go the rest of the way and check all conversions? For example, what about overflow during marketing narrowing? ___ Rob (Sent from my portable computation engine)