2013/5/27 Dominik Charousset
On 27.05.2013, at 15:34, Suminda Dharmasena
wrote: Hi,
Is it possible to introduce Algorithmic Skeletons, Parallelism Patterns & Actors in Boost? Any plans for this?
I am proposing an actor implementation based on libcppa (http://libcppa.org). See the discussion under the topic "Is there any interest in a library for actor programming?": http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Is-there-any-interest-in-a-library-for-ac....
Looks very interesting. Bad things are library requirements (only modern compilers) and big amount of types reimplemented from scratch that are already part of Boost (like `cppa::option` class and `boost::optional`)... It would be interesting to see it integrated with Boost. Some features, like network transparency, are great. Killer feature would be interoperability with other programming languages. Better integration with Boost.ASIO would be also great (I do want to have all threads maintained by a single io_service). I'll follow the "Is there any interest in a library for actor programming?" discussion, library is impressive. -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin