2017-05-15 1:35 GMT+02:00 Peter Dimov via Boost
Niall Douglas wrote:
The major refinement of outcome<T>, result<T> and option<T> over
is that you **never** get undefined behaviour when using their observers like you do with expected . So when you call .error() for example, you always get well defined semantics and behaviours. I fully agree with this design decision of yours, by the way. In fact I consider that a defect in expected<>.
you get a C++ exception thrown of type monad_error(no_state).
As a side note, it would be nice from my point of view if you eradicate these last remaining references to 'monad' in the public interface and make that outcome_error (resp. outcome_errc, outcome_category.)
outcome<Foo> found; // default constructs to empty
for(auto &i : container) { auto v = something(i); // returns a result<Foo> if(v) // if not errored { found = std::move(v); // auto upconverts break; } } if(!found) { die(); }
OK, let's go with that. Why not construct 'found' initially to contain some error, instead of being empty? You can even define a special errc constant to denote an empty outcome.
Sure, this will not throw the exception in your earlier example which accessed v.error() when !v, but is the exception really necessary there?
What I'm driving at is that these result types are conceptually (T|E) and the empty state could just be a special case of E.
Or, in more general terms, I feel that there's still much extra weight that can be stripped off (not in terms of sizeof, but in terms of the interface.)
I think there is no good solution here. The expectation of the caller, as
you say, is that the function either returns a `T` or an error (explanation
why if failed to produce a `T`). But on the callee side you often need the
empty state, because the flow would often be like this: