I'd like to request a review for mp11, a simple C++11 metaprogramming library. The library implements the approach outlined in my two articles http://pdimov.com/cpp2/simple_cxx11_metaprogramming.html http://pdimov.com/cpp2/simple_cxx11_metaprogramming_2.html and is available at https://github.com/pdimov/mp11/ It supports g++ 4.9 and above, clang 3.6 and above, msvc-12.0, 14.0, 14.1. The library is in Boost format and is intended to be placed in libs/mp11 in a Git clone of Boost. There is documentation in doc/html/mp11.html, it can be viewed locally, or with https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pdimov/mp11/master/doc/htm... Please excuse the lack of .css in that link. Thanks in advance for any interest, comments or suggestions.