I am wondering why this came up after the update. Is it a configuration problem during the build >of the boost libraries, or is it an issue in the boost libraries? I find it hard to believe that >the code quality changed so much between the versions.
I'm sure it's a configuration change on your side. All Boost versions I've compiled emit at least some warnings when compiling at pedantic/wall/wextra levels. I managed to find the difference between the boost package in centos and an installed vanilla version. The centos source rpm contains about 40 patches which also fix some of the warnings. I think these would be good candidates to integrate them into the boost main branch.
If there is general interest, I would ask the package maintainer if they want to create a pull Request, or create one myself.
Locally we've taken the view to treat Boost as system headers ( -Isystem rather than -I ) and close our eyes to the warnings to enable us to compile our code at our chosen warning settings. Thanks for hint. I have also taken this road now, but it feels not right. IMHO, the boost Libraries should be warning free, either because there are no warnings in the supported compilers, or because they are suppressed. I think the current policy on warnings should be changed to demand that changed and added public API code compiles warning free on all supported compilers with the highest settings available. Currently, if I were to fix the warnings, the next commit could introduce new warnings, or even change my fixes and create other warnings. To have some incremental improvement, I would suggest to define the current state as a baseline, and enforce that new code does not add warnings, and that changes are warning free. This can be automated easily, e.g. with SonarQube. This way, warnings should be eliminated in the long run.
Best wishes, Jens -- Dr. Jens Auer | CGI | Software Engineer CGI Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG Rheinstraße 95 | 64295 Darmstadt | Germany T: +49 6151 36860 154 jens.auer@cgi.com Unsere Pflichtangaben gemäß § 35a GmbHG / §§ 161, 125a HGB finden Sie unter de.cgi.com/pflichtangaben. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Proprietary/Confidential information belonging to CGI Group Inc. and its affiliates may be contained in this message. If you are not a recipient indicated or intended in this message (or responsible for delivery of this message to such person), or you think for any reason that this message may have been addressed to you in error, you may not use or copy or deliver this message to anyone else. In such case, you should destroy this message and are asked to notify the sender by reply e-mail.