On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 11:20 AM Phil Endecott via Boost
Dear All,
Looking at the proposed Boost.Text source, I find that:
1. Many files don't have a copyright header. Random example: https://github.com/tzlaine/text/blob/master/include/boost/text/unencoded_rop... I guess this is an oversight and is easily fixed.
Yes, definitely an oversight. I'll fix these.
2. Some files have a copyright header which is not the Boost licence. Example: https://github.com/tzlaine/text/blob/master/include/boost/text/transcode_alg...
This one has a requirement that binary distribution includes the copyright notice, which is not a requirement of the Boost licence, and will be problematic for some users.
Are the only affected files the SIMD implementation, (c) Robert N Steagall? If so, can this be disabled (by default?) by the user to avoid the copyright notice requirement?
I can ask Bob for his permission to release these under the Boost license. I'm certain he'll say yes.
3. The documentation includes a Unicode copyright notice: https://tzlaine.github.io/text/doc/html/boost_text__proposed_/unicode_copyri... This also includes a requirement that the copyright notice is included in data files, software or associated documentation, whatever that means.
I think it means exactly what I already did -- I put the copyright notice in the associated documentation. Note that this code comes from ICU, and Boost already has an optional dependency on ICU.
It's not clear to me what this actually covers; again, can some functionality (e.g. UTF-N-to-M conversion without normalisation) work without the Unicode data?
It covers the files in include/boost/text/detail/icu. Those files provide normalization. The transcoding stuff is unaffected. Zach