On 2 September 2018 at 17:26, Robert Ramey via Boost
LOL - of course it should be done by boost. But who needs the hassle of proposing it on the list and going through endless discussion about it should be placed on the website, who is going to do it, how much better if would be if ..., arguments that it's outdated, etc. etc. ... ad infinitem.
Hi Robert Firstly thanks for recovering these documents, it is obviously better that somebody does than that nobody does. However in answer to your other point you have in effect kicked the can down the road! There will come a time when your site becomes defunct and (please forgive me for being indelicate), so will you. That is why (among other reasons) these things should be done as a community in preference to an individual. The hassle of gaining consensus for something which is self-evident is the price we all pay for a community. To be fair this is a bigger problem than you, or I, or Boost. In the bowels of the Palace of Westminster are scrolls of legislation dating back hundreds of years, still readable, still "available" in some sense. At the same time digital archives from just twenty years ago are unreadable either from decay or unavailability of the software and hardware of the era to read them. On a personal level I have a modest DVD collection but no longer have a DVD player, and I'm sure this not uncommon. So maybe we should write the SGI documentation on vellum and stash it in the basement! Goodness knows what future historians will make of that. Kind Regards Rob.