On 3/6/2016 9:11 PM, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
On 11.02.2016 01:25, Vladimir Prus wrote:
I wanted to remind that the master branch is closing for new libraries and breaking changes on Feb 24, about two weeks from now. We'll be closed for major changes on March 2. That's not a lot of time, please make sure any big work is completed.
I have just merged a PR to the Boost.Python 'develop' branch that fixes a regression in Boost 1.60 (https://github.com/boostorg/python/pull/59). I would very much like to get this into master for the 1.61 release, though I'm aware that this doesn't give us much time. Luckily the fix is small, and doesn't have any ramifications outside Boost.Python. I'm now waiting to see what the next test builds show, though I'm unclear about the testing schedule, i.e. how long I need to wait until I can safely merge the 'develop' branch to 'master'.
Stefan, it seems to me that this patch can be merged to master as soon as master is open for bugfixes, hopefully soon. Probably you'll have test results at that point as well. -- Vladimir Prus http://vladimirprus.com