El 17/07/2017 a las 23:03, Peter Dimov via Boost escribió:
Joaquin M López Muñoz wrote:
Something more generic can be provided
template<typename MplSequence> using mp_mpl_sequence=typename mp_mpl_sequence_impl<MplSequence>::type;
How about we provide it in MPL instead?
namespace mpl {
class L = std::tuple> using to_tuple = /*as above*/ }
to_tuple subject to bikeshedding (to_variadic? as_variadic_sequence?).
Well, I guess users don't care where the utility belongs as long as it's
documented and available
somewhere. If you want to integrate with MPL nicely, this probably
should take the form of a
variadic sequence inserter
(http://www.boost.org/libs/mpl/doc/refmanual/inserter.html ).
Something like:
struct variadic_inserter_op
template class L,typename... Ts,typename T>
static L