On Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 1:04 AM Thomas Fowlery via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
I worry about the integrity of the Boost review process. The review manager and all the accepting reviewers were/are affiliated with the C++ Alliance.
Perhaps you can help me understand how Alliance-affiliated participants may negatively impact the integrity of the review process? The C++ Alliance derives no benefit from coordinating the results of reviews, or from achieving particular review outcomes. Of course, I prefer that when we invest in producing a new Boost library (for example, Boost.Charconv) that the library is ultimately accepted. And the way to do that is to ensure that the library is great, not to influence the review. If an Alliance Staff Engineer produced a bad library I would not want to see that accepted. Ultimately, the success of C++ Alliance is tied to the success of Boost, and having healthy reviews with sufficient participation and the highest levels of integrity are measures of that success. That said, the async-mqtt5 library was not and is not an Alliance project. Thanks