On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 7:25 AM, Joaquin M López Muñoz
and I'd be very grateful if people could give their opinion on usefulness, design, etc. so as to determine potential interest in an eventual official submission to
I spent about 20 minutes reading the documentation and looking through the class declarations in the repository. This library solves a real problem and looks like it does so efficiently. The code looks pretty solid. I can already think of one place that could benefit from such a container. Specifically the implementation of this specification, where "Condition" is a polymorphic object and where threshold condition types may have an array of children which are themselves Condition objects: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thomas-crypto-conditions-00 One question, how do you iterate over all the objects of a particular type in a container using a range-for? I see begin() and end() overloads which take a std::type index but if I want to visit all the "warrior" objects (from your example) in a given container `c`, what expression do I put in place of R below: for(auto& sprite : R) { ... } Thanks