Note that _HAS_CXX17 will be the STL's documented macro for detecting and controlling the library side of C++17 features. We determine its default value from _MSVC_LANG (for C1XX), but we permit it to be overridden in one direction. Namely, you can request C++17 compiler features, but only C++14 library features.
(At the moment, it is technically possible to request the opposite - C++14 compiler with C++17 library - but that will NOT be supported, as we may need to have new library features take dependencies on new compiler features.)
-----Original Message-----
From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Gabriel Dos Reis
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 7:11 PM
To: boost@lists.boost.org
Subject: Re: [boost] enabling constexpr with Visual studio 2015 Update 3 (RC)
_MSVC_LANG is the macro to hook on. Hopefully, there will be a published documentation of how to test for _MSC_VER and _MSVC_LANG. The actual value of _MSVC_LANG may change, but the landmark values to check against are those defined by the C++ standards for __cplusplus. So you would be testing
_MSVC_LANG > 201402L
for post-C++14 features.
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 3:16 AM, Paul A. Bristow
-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Marcel Raad Sent: 16 June 2016 07:50 To: boost@lists.boost.org Subject: Re: [boost] enabling constexpr with Visual studio 2015 Update 3 (RC)
pabristow wrote
But IMO *we really must know* which of std:c++14 and std::c++lastest (and others including c++11, c++17) are being specified for the compiler to use.
The compiler version _MSC_FULL_VER = 190024123 does not tell you this - only that it is VS 2015 update 3.
Seems like _MSVC_LANG is 201403 and _HAS_CXX17 is 1 with /std:c++latest. _MSVC_LANG is 201402 and _HAS_CXX17 is 0 with /std:c++14. See yvals.h.
Confirmed thanks.
/std:c++latest Hello Boost! Platform: Win32 Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0 STL : Dinkumware standard library version 650 Boost : 1.61.0 _MSC_VER =1900 _MSC_FULL_VER=190024123 _MSVC_LANG=201403L __cplusplus=199711L _HAS_CXX17=1 _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC=0 Processor architecture = (x64)
/std:c++14 Hello Boost! Platform: Win32 Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0 STL : Dinkumware standard library version 650 Boost : 1.61.0 _MSC_VER =1900 _MSC_FULL_VER=190024123 _MSVC_LANG=201402L __cplusplus=199711L _HAS_CXX17=0 _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC=1 Processor architecture = (x64)
but confusingly, _MSVC_LANG is not shown as defined using the IDE, but only gets defined and a value assigned when called by, for example, PRINT_MACRO in
These macro MSVC_LANG and _HAS_CXX17 could usefully be added to config_info.cpp?
This looks workable, if not uber convenient or clear. But things are getting better - slowly...
--- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830
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