Le 09/01/14 20:28, Oliver Kowalke a écrit :
2014/1/9 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
Then you should be more explicit in this paragraph "Exceptions thrown by the function or callable object passed to the |fiber| <http://olk.github.io/libs/fiber/doc/html/fiber/fiber_ mgmt/fiber.html#class_fiber> constructor are consumed by the framework. If you need to know which exception was thrown, use |future<>| < http://olk.github.io/libs/fiber/doc/html/fiber/synchronization/futures/ future.html#class_future> and |packaged_task<>| < http://olk.github.io/libs/fiber/doc/html/fiber/synchronization/futures/ packaged_task.html#class_packaged_task>. "
Which exception is thrown when the Error Conditions:resource_deadlock_
would_occurand invalid_argument are signaled?
I use BOOST_ASSERT instead of exception Where is this documented?
it's not documented - I'll add some notes
What do you think about adding them to the class atributes also?
it would be possible - I've not thought on this variant
This doesn't respond to my question. Why the change of thread_affinity need to be changed by the thread itself and by the fiber owner?
- fiber owner might deside on some point that a specia fiber is save to be migrated to another thread - it is the fiber itself (code running in the fiber) which can modify its thread-affinity
-> the user (code) can decide when I fiber is safe to be selected for migrating between threads
Could you explain why it is dangerous and how it is more dangerous than using the safe bool idiom?
struct X { operator bool() {} };
struct Y { operator bool() {} };
X x; Y y;
if ( x == y) // does compile
How the user selects the thread to which the scheduling algorithm is applied? the current thread? If yes, what about adding the function on a this_thread namespace?
boost::fibers::this_thread::set_scheduling_algorithm( & mfs);
maybe - I would not add too many nested namespaces It has the advantage to be clear. As you can see I was confused to what
I don't see the problem with explicit conversion struct X { explicit operator bool() {} }; struct Y { explicit operator bool() {} }; the function was applying.
|set_scheduling_algorithm()| does /not/ take ownership of the passed |algorithm*|: *Boost.Fiber* does not claim responsibility for the lifespan of the referenced |scheduler| object. The caller must eventually destroy the passed |scheduler|, just as it must allocate it in the first place. (Storing the pointer in a |boost::thread_specific_ptr| is one way to ensure that the instance is destroyed on thread termination.)"
there is no special trick - it is the code below which installs the default scheduler if the user does not call set_scheduling_algorithm().
algorithm * scheduler::instance() { if ( ! instance_.get() ) { default_algo_.reset( new round_robin() ); instance_.reset( default_algo_.get() ); } return instance_.get(); }
Is there an example showing this on the repository? Can the scheduler be shared between threads?
Maybe schedulers need to take care of a single time_point, but the other
classes should provide an time related interface using any clock.
OK - boost.chrono is your domain. functions accepting a time_duration/time_point (from boost.chrono) can always be mapped/applied to steady_clock/system_clock?
No mapping can be done between clocks and there is no need to do this
mapping. This is how standard chrono libray was designed. Please take a
look at the following implementation
I made some adaptations to boost::barrier that could also have a sens for
OK - what are those adaptations?
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/thread/ synchronization.html#thread.synchronization.barriers and http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/ n3817.html#barrier_operations
OK - that's new to me, but I don't know the use case of completion function etc. - do you have some hints?
From the pointed proposal " A Note on Completion Functions and Templates The proposed barrier takes an optional completion function, which may either return void or size_t. A barrier may thus do one of three things after all threads have called |count_down_and_wait()|: * Reset itself automatically (if given no completion function.) * Invoke the completion function and then reset itself automatically (if given a function returning void). * Invoke the completion function and use the return value to reset itself (if given a function returning size_t)." As you can see this parameter is most of the time related to how to reset the barrier counter.
Ok. Glad to see that you have tried it.
maybe in another library the combination of those two kinds of sync. primitives will succeed
Could you explain the rationale?
Element queue::value_pop();
can be used with no default constructible types
queue_op_status queue::pop(Element &);
yes - you are right. I was more focused on a symmetry of the interface (returning queue_op_status)
Great. Vcente