Boost.Config is current reporting these macros for msvc 14.0 update 3 and later: BOOST_NO_COMPLETE_VALUE_INITIALIZATION Xiang Fan of the VC++ compiler team kindly tested "15" preview 5 against boost without this macro is still getting errors. So this one is still needed. BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_CODECVT That's wrong. <codecvt> has been supplied at least since msvc 10.0. I'll submit a P/R. BOOST_NO_CXX14_AGGREGATE_NSDMI Here is a test program, based on the config docs: #include <cassert> struct Foo { int x, y = 42; }; int main() { Foo foo = { 1234 }; assert(foo.y == 42); assert(foo.x == 1234); } That now passed on "15" preview 5, so I'll summit a P/R. BOOST_NO_CXX14_CONSTEXPR The "15" preview 5 release notes say "The most notable compiler changes include complete support for generalized constexpr" I know from conversations with msft folks that they put a lot of effort into constexpr fixes, and that they would like bug reports if anyone is finds constexpr bugs with "15" preview 5. I'll submit a P/R. BOOST_NO_TWO_PHASE_NAME_LOOKUP This one still applies. The backstory has changed a lot, however. Enough progress has been made on the new parser that two phase name lookup should ship next year, and maybe even early next year. But don't hold your breath quite yet. Thanks to Andrew Pardoe for fact checking a draft of this post. --Beman