On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 5:39 PM, Alain Miniussi via Boost
b2 -j12 toolset=msvc-7.1,msvc-8.0,msvc-9.0,msvc-10.0,msvc-11.0,msvc-12.0,msvc-14.0,msvc-14.1 variant=debug,release address-model=32,64 debug-symbols=on
b2 -j12 toolset=toolset=gcc-3.4c++03,gcc-4.1c++03,gcc-4.2c++03,gcc-4.3c++03,gcc-4.4c++03,gcc-4.5c++03,gcc-4.6c++03,gcc-5.3c++03,gcc-6.1c++03,gcc-6.2c++03,gcc-6.3c++03 variant=debug,release address-model=32 debug-symbols=on
Not to mention link=static,shared runtime-link=static-shared, and all possible combinations. B2 compiles and executes it really fast.
My question as a Boost developer is, can CMake do the same with similar performance (time/memory/disk,etc.)?
I do not know what are the performances with bjam, I just create one build tree (outside of the source tree) per variant, configure once for each variant and then iterate over the build directories. I want to keep the build trees and I want to launch different variants build/texts on different nodes, so the trees need to be separate anyway. So it does take some space since I do not delete the build tree (that is, I choose to keep the object files, I do not know if your technique does the same). But I want to be able to go into the directory of combination X's build when things go wrong anyway. But my variants includes properties (if that the term used to designate toolset, variant etc..) that are not anticipated be bjam. Each MPI implementation correspond to a specify project-config.jam file (sometime simple, sometime not), so I am not sure how I could iterate over intel-mpi-5.0.1,open-mpi-1.6.2, etc... basically, I need to check how it works with different versions/vendor.configuration of an external tools.
So in addition to cmake we need scripts to create all those build directories and to actually run all those builds? And every project using cmake has to bring their own version of those scripts?