6 Feb
6 Feb
7:51 a.m.
Hi, 1) What is the status of adding CMakeLists.txt to ublas and odeint libraries? That file are essential for using Boost in big companies. Especially it is crucial for integrating Boost into buld systwms other that b2. I see there is a https://github.com/boostorg/ublas/pull/142 but no actions for a year. Please, just merge it. 2) Please, merge the fix https://github.com/boostorg/ublas/pull/153 3) Please, merge the fix https://github.com/boostorg/ublas/pull/153 There are many other PR waiting for merge. I do realise that the maintainers could be short on time. May be there are some developers that you trust and write permission could be given to them?