On 07/02/2016 11:35, Niall Douglas wrote:
On 6 Feb 2016 at 20:27, Niall Douglas wrote:
These are addressed by Update 5 to VC12. Update 5 applied. We shall see how it fares. Thanks for the tip. Build on native codegen now all working, thanks.
Windows Phone/Metro is still broken unfortunately. I have little experience in that target so I can't say as to the cause, but it could be the tooling is less permissive than before so Boost.Build etc needs upgrading to match.
https://ci.nedprod.com/view/Boost%20Thread-Expected-Permit/job/Boost.T hread%20Build/CPPSTD=c++14,CXX=msvc-12.0,LINKTYPE=shared,label=winphon e8/495/console
What am I looking at, where's the error?
https://ci.nedprod.com/view/Boost%20Thread-Expected-Permit/job/Boost.T hread%20Build/CPPSTD=c++14,CXX=msvc-14.0,LINKTYPE=shared,label=winphon e8/495/console
Could this be related to https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/d8980415-9542-475e-8da9-1a4ef... ? Best, John.