On 03/15/2016 07:25 PM, Glen Fernandes wrote:
You mentioned a while back that you preferred: p.reset(new X(args...)); because it was intuitive, and in your opinion more intuitive than: p = f<X>(args...);
Nobody would have any issue with that. But people would certainly have issue with: Y::Z b(a); p = new (b) Q(b, args...); compared to p = g<X>(a, args...);
Well first if you have a as an r-value:
p = g<X>(a, args...)
That means the allocator parameter must be constant:
g<X>(Allocator const &, arg...)
If it's constant it won't be able to change its internal state. I
thought that was the purpose of having instantiable allocators?
I can write a wrapper function for:
p1 = new (a1) node(a1, 1, 'a');
But not for the declaration of the allocator:
boost::node::allocator_type a1(n1, m1);
Why? Because you allocate node<U>s, not Us. I could write some
node_traits<> helper: