On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 4:43 AM Alexander Grund via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Easiest thing to do here is in each project's CMakeLists.txt file, use a standard naming convention to hoist the public include directory up to the superproject. I would macro-ize the dependency definition and building of the dependency header list, like:
in libs/uuid/CMakeLists.txt:
boost_depends_on ( serialization throw_exception )
Which would in turn set:
set ( BOOST_UUID_DEPINCS ${BOOST_SERIALIZATION_HEADERS} ${BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION_HEADERS} ) (and if those had link libraries, which would be identified by another variable of some sort, it would add to the link library list needed)
The project itself would set the variable BOOST_UUID_HEADERS as:
This defines BOOST_UUID_HEADERS one level up - in the "libs" project. This variable now contains all of the include paths needed build anything that depends on uuid.
In each dependent project, adding the following allows for access to the headers:
boost_depends_on ( uuid )
which as part of the macro would run:
include_directories ( ${BOOST_UUID_HEADERS} ) Definitely NOT. What you describe here is already part of modern CMake: You use targets:
add_library(boost_serialization INTERFACE) target_include_directories(boost_serialization INTERFACE include) # CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR is implicit
and in uuid: add_library(boost_uuid src/mysrc.cpp) target_include_directories(boost_uuid PUBLIC include) target_link_libraries(boost_uuid PUBLIC boost_serialization)
This basically does the same as your macros and stuff but in the modern CMake way where CMake resolves all dependencies. For cases where you may not have e.g. the boost_serialization target yet one may assume to be run as part of the super-boost project and do this instead:
add_library(boost_uuid src/mysrc.cpp) target_include_directories(boost_uuid PUBLIC include ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/boost_serialization/include)
Or better: Define the target yourself: if(NOT TARGET boost_serialization) add_library(boost_serialization IMPORTED) ...
Excellent, thanks for that info! - Jim