All: A consensus to launch the new Boost website was reached by both the community and the Boost Foundation. Since then, the Foundation has: * Ignored the consensus decision reached in April [1] * Prevented the C++ Alliance's attempt to secure the boost.org domain [2] * Launched the competing "Beman Project" [3] * Voted to "cut ties with the Alliance" [4] * Avoided important questions asked on the mailing list, for over a month As it is clear now that Foundation control of the boost.org domain may be harmful to Boost, the existing website will be redirected to the new website. Absent objection, this pull request to redirect boost.org to boost.io will be merged on August 5, 2024: https://github.com/boostorg/website/pull/861 Thanks [1] https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2024/04/256602.php [2] https://cppalliance.org/pdf/Domain-Name-Purchase-Agreement.pdf [3] https://www.bemanproject.org/ [4] https://cppalliance.org/pdf/Boost-Foundation-Minutes.pdf