On 12/18/2013 01:32 PM, Vladimir Prus wrote:
On 18.12.2013 16:11, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
Yes, that's right, my comment above was lazily expressed. I meant,*who* as there is link to Pull Request where complete cycle of review/updating commit/review is preserved.
You have a point here.
I know Boost allows use of PRs [1], but not sure if it allows use of corresponding features at GitHub for code reviews, etc.
Regretfully what Linus said about GitHub pull requests, here:
rings very true to me.
+1 the whole GitHub "public" Fork to do Pull Request deal seams a bit heavy handed to me. I have no real experience in using it though. In addition if half of what Linus is concerned about has bearing on Boost, then there are reasons to consider alternatives to GitHub Pull Requests IMHO. -- Bjørn