Since the very early days of Boost the guidelines for acceptable characters in C++ source files has been the 96 characters of C++ standard's basic source character set encoded in 7-bit ASCII. The inspect program also allowed several additional 7-bit ASCII characters that sometimes appear in comments. The rationale was to ensure that Boost code was portable to all compilers available at that time. We had gotten complaints that even a character as innocuous as a copyright sign (U+00A9) was causing compiles to fail on some compiler releases targeting Asian languages. UTF-8 support was far from universal. Times have changed: * Source files encoded in UTF-8 with a leading byte order mark (BOM) of the byte sequence 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF are supported by all C++ compilers that we are aware of, and this has been true for many years now. * As of C++11, the C++ language now includes types and literals directly supporting UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, and creating code points above 7-bit ASCII in such literals is much easier if UTF-8 source encoding is used. Even editors as dumb as Windows Notepad have supported UTF-8 with BOM for some time now. * As Boost Libraries start to incorporate C++11 Unicode related features, it becomes difficult to write test programs if limited to 7-bit ASCII. For example, incorporating the Filesystem TS into Boost.Filesystem requires test cases with UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 and that's painful under the current 7-bit ASCII guidelines. So... It looks to me like it is high time to change the Boost guideline for C++ source file encoding to 7-bit ASCII without BOM or UTF-8 with BOM, and to change the inspect program accordingly. Comments? --Beman