Hi, We would like to be listed in the Shrink Wrapped Boost section on the boost.org website: http://www.boost.org/users/uses_shrink.html · The name of the Application/Product/Service. think-cell · The name of the company (where appropriate). think-cell · A paragraph describing the Application/Product/Service. think-cell was founded in 2002 in Berlin and is today the leading vendor of productivity software for professional PowerPoint users. Its product suite covers the complete process of presentation creation - from analysis and preparation of business data to the graphical rendering of qualitative and quantitative results. Most international business consulting firms, as well as a large number of the well-known industrial global leaders, are among think-cell's customers. · Any information you can provide about which parts of Boost you used, along with any comments you may have on how Boost helped your product development. C++ is a great and versatile programming language, but only with boost it is a powerful development tool that facilitates really efficient programming. Our code is beautiful, concise and easily maintainable thanks to the following boost libraries: Algorithm, Assign, Config, Conversion, CRC, Date Time, Format, Fusion, Geometry, Integer, Interprocess, Intrusive, Iostreams, Iterator, Math Common Factor, Math/Special Functions, MPL, Multi-Array, Multi-Index, Numeric Conversion, Operators, Optional, Phoenix, Preprocessor, Proto, Range, Smart Ptr, Spirit, String Algo, Swap, Tribool, Tuple, Variant If you are looking for more information on what development problems we are facing every day go to our C++ Developer job postinghttp://www.think-cell.com/career/jobs/development.shtml. · URLs to your company's home page, and the home page of the Application/Product/Service if there is one. http://www.think-cell.com/ Thanks! Volker -- Volker Schöch | vschoech@think-cell.commailto:vschoech@think-cell.com Senior Software Engineer We are looking for C++ Developers: http://www.think-cell.com/career ________________________________ think-cell Software GmbH http://www.think-cell.comhttp://www.think-cell.com/ Chausseestr. 8/E phone / fax +49 30 666473-10 / -19 10115 Berlin, Germany US phone / fax +1 800 891 8091 / +1 212 504 3039 Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 85229 | European Union VAT Id DE813474306 Directors: Dr. Markus Hannebauer, Dr. Arno Schödl