On 22.01.2015 21:45, Ion Gaztañaga wrote:
El 22/01/2015 a las 16:37, Ben Pope escribió:
In my personal opinion, I would say go for it (I've upgraded to C++14 on multiple compilers and platforms); anybody that cannot upgrade to a C++11 compiler should either fight harder, do it anyway and then ask for forgiveness, or change jobs (in that order).
In many industrial environments you need to maintain C++98 code for many years. I'm not saying they should use Boost, but that's also real life. I plan to maintain C++03 for many years in my libraries.
My 2 cents... I work in one of such companies and old compilers are pain in the ass, but there's just no way to force SoC vendors to provider newer ones. It happens that we need to run our code on a platform with gcc 4.2, thus I don't expect anyone to take the decision to move to C++11 in the next 4-5 years or so. On the other hand we've been using Boost for a few years now and it has changed our lifes for better. The truth is we're hoping that Boost will maintain majority of its libraries in C++98/03 flavor as long as possible. If that does not happen we'd be forced to stick to one of older Boost releases forever. My suggestion would be to develop C++11 only libraries as a separate code to what has already been released to the community. I will have no problem with that as long as the already released code stays untouched and is reasonably maintained. Thanks for all your work. Best regards, Adam Romanek