On 5/9/2013 4:02 AM, Daniel James wrote:
On 9 May 2013 03:30, Edward Diener
wrote: On 5/8/2013 6:50 PM, Daniel James wrote:
On 7 May 2013 04:01, Edward Diener
wrote: You can see a list of the things to check for here:
Although, some are things that I do.
It does say "Release Manager's Checklist" so I will assume you will tell me what I am to do if you need me to do anything in particular.
Okay, you can add your libraries to libs/libraries.htm, libs/libraries.txt. And libs/tti/index.html (you can just copy log's and do a search and replace).
Done ! I did not see a libraries.txt file anywhere.
The inspect report is at (it's also linked from the testing page):
If you add license info to tti.qbk that should fix license issues. You can probably also remove copying the image and css files from 'doc/src' into your documentation, it should use them in their original location now it's included in boost. That leaves adding license and copyright info to build.txt, and renaming 'check' in some headers (I expect that's possible because they're all in detail headers so probably not part of the public interface).
Done ! HTML gets generated correctly. I am having trouble generating my PDF file but this is probably a local problem. I still have some work on the documentation in general. I also want to work and see if I can get Intel C++ to work ( it mostly does except for introspecting class templates, where it fails the same for MPL ). The gcc, msvc, and clang compilers should pass all tests.