Hi Niranjan,
thanks for your interest in the projects proposed by Boost for GSOC 2013.
You mentioned the matrix class at the beginning of your email, so I believe
you're interested in Boost.uBLAS. That's why I thought I owe you an answer
for I proposed a project for Boost.uBLAS.
Later on, you mentioned a few very interesting ideas regarding graph
algorithms, so I believe my colleagues from the Boost.Graph library will
immediately see an interest on.
May I ask you which library you would like to contribute to ?
With many thanks and regards,
David Bellot
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Niranjan Singh
My name is Niranjan ,
It was really a pleasure seeing a poject like this, and the ideas were also very good. I like to contribute to the vector ,making new matrix class.
I would like to propose you my idea as below
As *Graph theory* as a subject also and is becoming increasingly significant as it is applied to other areas of mathematics, science and technology. It is being actively used in fields as varied as *biochemistry (genomics), electrical engineering (communication networks and coding theory), computer science (algorithms and computation) and operations research (scheduling).* The powerful *combinatorial methods* found in graph theory have also been used to prove fundamental results in other areas of pure mathematics.
And so is becoming an important subject in mathematics and algorithms also.
So I was thinking to make a library to implement all the graph functions and its various properties and applications in it so that it can be used by student to understand the concept and it can also be used to solve problems like *Travelling Salesman problem, finding chromatic number, edge colouring. *
Finding *shortest path , face colouring* e.t.c.
With the help of small functions user can create a program which tackles the big problem.
Lots of data-structures can also be implemented.
Sir, As my end semester are exams are on .. so its possible that i couldn't reply you fast but I do want to do this project. Exams will over on 30 april..
Thanks for you concern.
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