Listing any cxx_* features which are not supported by VS 2013 should allow to filter 2013 and let the matix skip the builds. I though about going this indirect way. But there is also libstdc++ which has the same problem until version 5. There might be more. So I guess a macro/feature test is more appropriate. Currently to check the standard support we have to use several macros or write our own check based on compiler version. Now more libraries are switching to the newer standard I think a set of macros defining full support for a standard would be useful so an author could check one macro as a base requirement for a library and from that point enable additional features conditionally. So what do you think about adding e.g. BOOST_CXX11, BOOST_CXX14, etc. to Boost.Config? Or in negated form: BOOST_NO_CXX11, BOOST_CXX14, etc. which we all learned to love. ;) This is probably a problem for MSVC as they (until recently) don't have "full support" for a standard but rather some kind of floating support for most features.