On 07.10.2015 16:27, Raffi Enficiaud wrote:
Le 07/10/15 12:01, Andrey Semashev a écrit :
git pull --recurse-submodules && git submodule foreach git merge --ff-only
Personally I never checkout a submodule unless I have to work on it, since I do not need them (!),
Well, I'm using quite a few libraries. Selecting ones I don't use and excluding them from the checkout is just a waste of time for me - it's easier to check out everything. In any case, I don't think Boost.Test qualifies as a library that is rarely used.
and a submodule develop/master might not be part of any version of the superproject itself (and hence not being able to test it).
The superproject is automatically updated to refer to the latest commits in develop and master branches. I think it may skip a few pushed commits if pushes are done in quick succession, but really, I don't care. For all practical purposes you can assume that the superproject always refers to the latest commit.
Also with your merge you might create new commits that are not on the remote.
No, it can't. Not with the --ff-only argument. And that's the reason why it fails when the history is rewritten.
So far, 1 is against :) (but since you are an experienced git user, you would not mind neither to reset boost.test).
I would mind, that's why I objected in the first place.