On February 2, 2016 4:29:35 PM EST, Krzysztof Jusiak
If it comes to the transition table DSL. I was concidering a lot of options. For example MSM3(eUML2) is using src + event [guard] / action -> dst which looks great, however, having a dst state at the end is not really practical, especially after a lot of noice introduced by guard and actions (for example in place lambda expressions).
Right now, I'm thinking of introducing DSL which would look like that.
make_transition_table( "idle* -> state1"_t + event [ guard ] / action , "state1 -> X"_t [ guard ] / action );
Nevertheless, I'm not sure whether such approach would be seen positively because following MSM approach it should be more like that.
make_transition_table( "state1 <- idle*"_t + event [ guard ] / action , "X <- state1"_t [ guard ] / action );
We're accustomed to seeing the target on the left of an assignment, so what about "state1 = idle*"? I get your interest in seeing the current state on the left, because the transition is from the current state to the new one. If there can be multiple transitions from one state, the only readable form puts the current state first, IMO. Using "if_" or "when" to separate the transition from the condition might help: (from -> to).when(event[guard]/condition) You could omit "when" with the parens: from -> to (event[guard]/condition) ___ Rob (Sent from my portable computation engine)