On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 9:38 AM Dominique Devienne
...it sure wasn't created based on C++11 facilities. The combination of modules, concepts, coroutines, asio, etc... was impressive. I certainly can't use C++23 at work right now, I'm limited to C++17 for now, which is already newer than many. Asio w/o coroutines is just painful IMHO, for example. Compile times are painful, and modules seem to genuinely help, when used correctly. So there's lots of value in using the new moderner modern C++ facilities too, beyond C++11.
Yes, 100% ! But... we're not talking about limiting ourselves to C++11, we are talking about *supporting* C++11. Libraries can always use newer C++ features if they want to. For example I provide deduction guides when compiling under C++17 and later. An Beast comes with examples that use co_await. "Supporting C++11" just means that the release managers will test the libraries that claim to work under C++11, using C++11 compilers. A library is still free to require C++14 or any later version of C++ if it wants to. I support C++11 because it does not cost me much to do so, and because there are still a considerable number of users who need it. That number is shrinking, and when it gets too small I will probably switch to C++14 or C++17 as my minimum supported version. But I will not do it every 3 years just because that's how the standards committee does it. I will do it when the cost/benefit analysis favors it. Thanks