On Wednesday, 18 December 2019 1:24:21 PM AEDT Zach Laine via Boost wrote: [snip]
My one small concern is in the required method:
constexpr auto operator-(repeated_chars_iterator other) const noexcept
instead of:
constexpr auto operator-(const repeated_chars_iterator& other) const noexcept
In short, I'm doing this for two reasons:
1) An iterator type is typically the size of a pointer or maybe two, and so pass-by-value is usually more optimal than pass-by-reference. 2) All the STL interfaces that take iterators do it this way, and so making the STLInterfaces usage pass-by-reference probably won't affect >= 90% of your uses of a given iterator type.
I had not thought about the need for an iterator to be lightweight before... A revisiting of some standard STL algorithms implies copying iterators should be quick so as to not impinge on the algorithms' performance. Both 1) & 2) make sense. I withdraw my small concern. Arthur, who now only likes lightweight iterators