On 7/6/2020 5:17 PM, Jeff Garland via Boost wrote:
Just submitted a pull request for boost.random to remove dependence on system library. There's 17 open requests -- some of which are pretty easy maintenance items. Can someone give these some a look?
asio has 54 open pull requests, python has 32 open pull requests, and graph has 36 open pull requests. I mention these because I do not think any maintainer is paying any attention to those libraries, and because they are among those who have ignored my PR for integrating Embarcadero C++ clang-based compilers into Boost. Among the other libraries for which I created a PR to integrate Embarcadero clang-based compilers into Boost are fiber, iostreams, thread, program_options, units, circular_buffer, parameter, unordered, typeof, and the aforementioned random. I do feel bad for supporting Cromwell Enage for maintaining parameter, since he has disappeared after doing such a good job modernizing the library, but he appeared pretty talented, knowledgable, and enthusiastic to me.