On 3/9/2021 11:32 AM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
On 2/25/2021 4:27 PM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
On 2/6/2021 4:45 PM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
On 1/22/2021 8:06 AM, Alexander Grund via Boost wrote:
I have slogged through the task of creating PRs for all Boost libraries, even the very many C++03 minimum standard libraries, so that each library would have a 'cxxstd' value in their JSON meta information. It is up to the various library maintainers if they want to accept the PR or not, and a great many of them already have. Hopefully the final result will be that all Boost libraries will show a ‘C++ Standard Minimum Level’ in the documentation page. For those libraries that do not want to show such information, and ignore my PR for that library, end-users can ask the library maintainer(s) directly what the C++ Standard Minimum Level" is through the libraries Github page. Thanks a lot for your efforts and I'm certain this is the best approach. I do recall seeing somewhere in the Boost website an explanation of the meaning of the various fields shown for each library's documentation, but I can not recall where this is anymore. See https://www.boost.org/development/library_metadata.html
I have created a PR for the above HTML page, adding in an explanation for the 'cxxstd' field.
So far my PR for the 'cxxstd' metadata field has seen 93 Boost libraries adding the 'cxxstd' field to their metadata, but 38 libraries have yet to do so. Hopefully those other 38 libraries which merge my PR so that the end-user can clearly see what the C++ minimum compilation level is for each Boost library.
There are still some 35 libraries which have yet to merge my PR for 'cxxstd' into 'develop'. These are:
accumulators asio bimap chrono container container_hash contract crc foreach format graph graph_parallel intrusive lambda locale local_function move mpi msm odeint polygon program_options property_tree proto ratio scope_exit statechart test thread typeof type_erasure units unordered uuid xpressive
If you are a maintainer of any of these libraries can you please merge the appropriate PR into 'develop', the merge to 'master' for the upcoming release.
Of the other 96 libraries which did merge my PR into 'develop', I do not know how many have merged the change to 'master'. The libraries which I control have done so.
Also it would be nice if my PR for the website.git explaining the 'cxxstd' field was merged for the upcoming release.
There are still 33 libraries in the list above as Boost heads into the next release:
accumulators asio bimap chrono container container_hash contract crc foreach graph graph_parallel intrusive lambda locale local_function move mpi msm odeint polygon program_options proto ratio scope_exit statechart test thread typeof type_erasure units unordered uuid xpressive
If you are a maintainer could you please merge the PR, merge 'develop' into 'master' and get the 'cxxstd' fix into the next release. This is merely a meta-information fix so there is nothing to test and no code that changes. Thank you !
There are still some 30 libraries which have never updated their metadata in libraries.json to include a 'cxxstd' field which would specify the minumum C++ standard level for that library, so that programmers can see that information on the libraries documentation page. I have PRs for all these libraries in their 'develop' branch. These libraries are: accumulators asio bimap chrono container_hash contract crc foreach graph graph_parallel lambda locale local_function mpi msm odeint polygon program_options proto ratio scope_exit statechart test thread typeof type_erasure units unordered uuid xpressive All these libraries are C++03 minimum level libraries but it sure would be useful for programmers to be able to see that in the libraries documentation page for a particular library instead of wondering why a Boost library has no C++ minimum mentioned while some 101 other libraries do show that information. How about it maintainers of these 30 libraries ? Are you there or awake ? Please merge this change and get this purely metafile documentation feature in the upcoming 1.76 release.