Hi Everyone,
Some feedback from playing with Boost.Describe for class types.
1. As others pointed out, it is confusing that BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT() and
BOOST_DESCRIBE_CLASS() have such close names, but their interface and
requirements are so different. Maybe rename the latter to
2. Base class subobjects are in some applications treated equivalently to
member subobject; this is why I found it surprising that I cannot get the
names of base class subobjects. But I guess there are implementation
difficulties. Bases can be qualified names.
3. As with enums, _public_member_descriptor_fn in global namespace is UB or
invalid program as per http://eel.is/c++draft/lex.name#3.2.
4. As others pointed out, the part of the interface that uses enum
modifiers is not intuitive. I think that after a while it starts to make
sense: you decide on your use case (like doing RPC), form your enum
bitmask, and then pass it everywhere. It became more-less clear to me only
after I had a look at the implementation of member_filter:
Maybe it makes sense to expose this in the docs.
5. Modifier mod_inherited is great for flattening the inheritance structure:
struct X {
int a;
struct Y : X {
int b;
struct Z : Y {
int c;
int main() {
namespace desc = boost::describe;
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
constexpr auto mod = static_castdesc::modifiers(desc::mod_public |
using L = desc::describe_members