On 12 May 2016 at 03:59, Soul Studios
threadsafe version specifically - for both performance reasons and to not expose unnecessary details to the end user.
'Unnecessary' is a qualification that is a function of ones' objectives...
Might be a good idea for a future test, but I think the GCC results cover it more-or-less for now- plus it's good for people to know how terrible some of MS/Dinkumware's implementations are :)
Yes, bashing Dinkumware is fun, but they might have been given rules about not breaking binary compatibility. I do agree though, that some of their stuff is horrible. For this one they might have an excuse. The std::random lib is another really horrible one and since it's new, this time no excuse. boost::random (drop-in replacement) is much much faster (and more extensive, for games taus88 is the one in my view). The git-repository you reference in another post seems to be behind the references download on your site, 3.05 vs 3.07. The web-site states plf::colony is a vector-like container, I'm missing the indexes, iterating is good in some cases but not all. I've implemented a (simple) Concurrent Graph Library, based on ideas (the base structure) borrowed from the LEMON Graph Library, using tbb::concurrent_vector, instead of std::vector. This comes with some limitations as you correctly pointed out. You did give me some good ideas to actually make that CGL better and more flexible. I've read your paper on jump-counting-skipfields, there are some fun ideas in there that I would like to explore as well. degski