On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 at 15:46, Peter Dimov via Boost
Mateusz Loskot wrote:
I'm updating Jamfile-s of Boost.GIL and it made me wondering:
For example:
test-suite "boost-gil-test" : [ run promote_integral.cpp ] ;
Apart from replacing the deprecated test-suite with alias, I wonder what is the recommended policy of naming the test suites, are there any rules?
For example, should it be more or less hierarchical boost-{lib}-{testname} {lib}-{testname} {testname} or the name is completely local to/internal in a library and library maintainers are free to name as they desire?
It's local and the naming is up to you. There are three documented targets with known names (minimal, full, extra) but they aren't used.
There are minimal and full used here https://github.com/boostorg/gil/blob/develop/io/test/Jamfile#L29-L43 Is this correct?
Unless you want to run subsets with `b2 test//mysuite`, I wouldn't bother with suites at all. Just use [...]
Ha! Great piece of advice, thanks. I'll use suites for things built optionally, like so alias perf : [ run performance.cpp ] ; explicit perf ; Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net