Hi, I finally understand what is Top-Post. And feel very sorry for the Top-Posted emails, please pardon me. My email writer is the default one with Win10, and it replies with Chinese RE, not English, and embedding Chinese characters. Also sorry for the inconvenience when you’re reading the replies. My aim is not to replace shared_ptr or weak_ptr, I’m trying to provide another choice. Personally, I don’t like to decide when to use shared_ptr or weak_ptr and also don’t like the IUnknown way of manually memory or object allocation management, just personally. I like GC when I code in C# or Java for I don’t have to remember the trivial things beyond my design, BUT not its performance. I code this in C++ because it would be too complicated if I insert code into JavaVM or C#’s native support platform. As we have great flexibility coding whatever we want in C++ on the infrastructure level. So this is what I’m going to do with this rcgc_shared_ptr: 1. use it in my projects, and make it go through tests to see If its capable of doing things.2. Trying to make this a part of a GC based language or platform to see any performance increasing. And if possible, just as I did in emails, contribute to communities and let other coders to decide if the work Is helpful or even harmful. Please forgive me to be such a rude guy for the first time to talk so much. However, I do hope you can debug the code and hope this can be any help. Best Regards, Yilin