Hi, I am interested in contributing to Boost.Geometry and would like to work on the Project 1 (Implementing algorithms for the concave hull problem) as my GsoC’19 project. I had some discussion regarding this with Adam Wulkiewicz. I have read the paper ( Moreira, Adriano J. C., and Maribel Yasmina Santos. “Concave hull: A k-nearest neighbors approach for the computation of the region occupied by a set of points.”) and currently going through the paper “A New Concave Hull Algorithm and Concaveness Measure for n-dimensional Datasets*” ( https://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/page/jise/2012/201205_10.pdf )) . These are the papers given in the project description. I am also searching for any other algorithms (newer or better) for the concave hull problem. Please direct me to any other algorithms related to this project. Regards Yaghyavardhan