2016-04-18 23:42 GMT+02:00 Andrzej Krzemienski
Hi, I have two questions connected to thread interruption in Boost.Thread.
*1.* The docs say that interrupt_and_join_if_joinable is defined as follows:
``` struct interrupt_and_join_if_joinable{
void operator()(thread& t) { t.interrupt(); if (t.joinable()) { t.join(); } }};
Sorry, let me continue with the question. Is there a reason why t.interrupt() is called without checking if t is joinable? This looks uncomfortable to me that I would be potentially calling interrupt() on a not-a-thread. *2.* When I make a call to this_thread::wait_for(), blocking for a long time in thread t2, and the instant later I call t2.interrupt() from another thread t1. Do I have to wait the long time until wait_for() stops blocking t2, or does thread_interrupted get called 'immediately' after interrupt() is called from t1? *3.* Does the support for interruption points require the other synchronization operations (like locks on mutexes) to be slower (in order to monitor interruption requests)? Regards, &rzej