A friendly reminder that the review period for [Boost.Describe] is half way through. We've had some excellent feedback already, and would value more. If you can spare a few hours of your valuable time, please consider reviewing this neat little library and posing your results on this mailing list. The invitation is repeated below: The Boost formal review of the Describe starts Monday, taking place from March 1st, 2021 to March 10th, 2021 (inclusive). The library is authored by Peter Dimov. Documentation: https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html Source: https://github.com/pdimov/describe The library provides a simple means of providing reflection for structures and enums in C++. The documentation contains a number of common motivating examples, including: - A universal print function https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_print_funct... - JSON serialisation https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_to_json Please provide in your review information you think is valuable to understand your choice to ACCEPT or REJECT including Describe as a Boost library. Please be explicit about your decision (ACCEPT or REJECT). Some other questions you might want to consider answering: - What is your evaluation of the design? - What is your evaluation of the implementation? - What is your evaluation of the documentation? - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? - Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems? - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found at: http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html The review is open to anyone who is prepared to put in the work of evaluating and reviewing the library. Prior experience in contributing to Boost reviews is not a requirement. Thank you for your efforts in the Boost community. They are very much appreciated. Richard Hodges - review manager of the proposed Boost.Describe library Peter is often available in the CppLang Slack #boost channel should you require any clarification not covered by the documentation, as am I. -- Richard Hodges hodges.r@gmail.com office: +442032898513 home: +376841522 mobile: +376380212