On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 10:12 AM Deniz Bahadir via Boost
Besides, Boost already has some other smaller building-block libraries, so FixedString should be in good company.
Based on my experience with Beast, I now prefer developing new Boost libraries to be smaller and more narrow in scope. FixedString is a good example, as is Variant2 (I prefer Variant2 in its own library instead of in say, Boost.Utility).
I do not really like, that all files have the same name "fixed_string.hpp". There is the main one in "boost/fixed_string", another one in "boost/fixed_string/detail" and a third one in "boost/fixed_string/impl". I would prefer these files having some (at least slightly) different names.
Those files are private so you really shouldn't be looking at them except in the context of a Boost review :) There is nothing novel here, this follows Asio's naming scheme (which I copied for Beast, and also for Boost.JSON).
- This CMakeLists.txt file is written in Traditional CMake (old style CMake) although requiring CMake 3.5.1 which knows how to handle Modern CMake. You should consider using Modern CMake instead.
The CMakeLists.txt is for building a Visual Studio Project file only, it is not supported for anything else. This should be mentioned in the README.md as it is for Beast: https://github.com/boostorg/beast/blob/develop/README.md#visual-studio Regards