Hello to the boost community, I'd like to announce the release of a small tool, that allows you analyze the dependencies in boost. It is based on bcp, requirement is that you have bcp build and well a version of boost to analyze installed. Simply select the boost directory (the tool also might find BOOST_ROOT) and the location of bcp, and the tool will start. This will take a little time, depending on your machine, on my multicore intel ist 90 seconds - 2 minute. The tool will store this information into a database, so that with the next start, this will be a lot shorter. The tool allows to analyze the dependcies of a single boost library, but also of all of boost. Its build with Qt for the UI and processing part, and uses boost graph for the layout. Full information + download you'll find at my blogpost: http://www.meetingcpp.com/index.php/br/items/boost-dependency-analyzer.html Current Issues: What libraries might be missing? I'm reading the libs from maintainers.txt, which isn't all the boost libs. For example, lexical_cast is missing, and function_types is twice in there. (C&P error or missing library?) So far Windows is supported, linux support planned and improving, currently ownly the (beta) binaries for linux available. kind regards, Jens Weller