Dear all, Boost.Graph has had no maintainer for some time, but the CMT has been busy fixing bugs none the less. Unfortunately, other than some trivial fixes to docs and some directory refactoring, nothing much has been merged to master in a good while . On the plus side, develop is now in a better tested tested state than IMO it has ever been, however the change set is rather large so the potential to mess up somebodies code is certainly there: https://github.com/boostorg/graph/pull/196. So... this is both a heads up, and a plea: if you have any mission critical code using the Graph library, could you please test against current develop and report any problems? If you don't want to mess about with git, download from https://github.com/boostorg/graph/archive/develop.zip and place zipfile-contents/libs/graph/include in your include path ahead of that for Boost-1.72. Many thanks, John.