As you are mentioning SAX, do you have XML in mind ?
The library supports a version of XML (at least for writing, right now), but is not limited to that.
(I started a couple of discussions on this list, and do have some working code here: https://github.com/stefanseefeld/boost.xml) How does your library compare to that ?
The goals of the library are to be fast, generic, and easy to use. The focus of the library is on data, not on arbitrary structure, so it just supports a hierarchy or list of values, no graphs right now. You can check it out here: https://github.com/owacoder/cppdatalib. The readme referenced in the link provides a bit more of an overview of what the library is like. On 01/09/2018 01:18 PM, Stefan Seefeld via Boost wrote:
On 09.01.2018 12:36, Oliver Adams via Boost wrote:
Hi all,
I was wondering if a library I'm developing would be of value to the Boost community. It is basically an event-driven parsing/serialization library for common formats using a standard internal representation or simple pass-through conversions. Would anyone be interested in something like this being added to Boost? As you are mentioning SAX, do you have XML in mind ? I once developed a C++ wrapper around existing XML C APIs (both, DOM and SAX), with the intent of eventually submitting it to Boost, but never found the energy to finish this. (I started a couple of discussions on this list, and do have some working code here: https://github.com/stefanseefeld/boost.xml) How does your library compare to that ? I'm not sure there would still be any interest in XML APIs in Boost at this point in time. But if so, I believe it's best to start with something like that rather than invent yet another "XML-like" tool.